Poetry and Theology (short Version)
Poetry and Theology (Long version)
OT506 Isaiah Hebrew version 2013
Isaiah: A Very Short Commentary
Isaiah: The Theology of the Book of Isaiah
Isaiah: The Theology of the Book of Isaiah (long version)
Isaiah: The Book of Isaiah and the Imperial Context
Isaiah: Responses to Isaiah Papers SBL 2014
Answers to Questions about Isaiah
Isaiah 1-35 (Scripture Union Daily Notes, 1981)
Isaiah 1:18 If Your Sins Are Like Scarlet
Isaiah 9:5 (6): the Compound Name
Isaiah 24: Facing Up to Calamity
Isaiah 40-42: The Breath of Yahweh: Scorching, Confounding, Anointing
Isaiah 40-55: Servant of Yahweh
Isaiah 40-55 in the 1990’s (deconstructing, mystifying, intertextual, etc.)
Isaiah 41-45 The Arrangement of the Chapters
Isaiah 47: What Happens to Ms Babylon?
Isaiah 49-55 (Scripture Union Daily Notes 1987)
Isaiah 49:1-6 An Ordination Sermon
Isaiah 56-66: About Third Isaiah
Isaiah 56-66: An Isaianic and a Postcolonial Reading
Isaiah 56-66: Chiasm, History, Sociology, Theology
Isaiah 56-66: Poetry and Theology
Isaiah 56-66: How Important Is Isaiah 1-55 to Isaiah 56-66?
Isaiah 57 and 66: High and Holy, with the Lowly (A Baccalaureate Sermon)
Isaiah 61: Testimony (a contribution to a periodical)