
Hearing God Speak

Alliance (dictionary article)

Anger (dictionary article)

Atonement Today

Basics of Old Testament Spirituality

Being Human, in Light of Disability

Christ in/and the OT


Corporate Personality (dictionary article)


Covenants and Nature

Creation and Salvation

Death and Suffering

Diversity and Unity In OT Theology

Divine Ideals, Human Stubbornness, and Scriptural Inerrancy

Does God Care about Animals?

Does the God of the Bible Have Surprises?

The Family in the OT

Genocide in the OT

God and the City

The Holy Spirit in the OT (1979)

The Holy Spirit in the OT (1996)

How do God’s Love and God’s Wrath Interrelate?

How Does Prayer Work?

How Does the OT Look at Other Religions?

Humanity (dictionary articles on words for body, flesh, image, name, soul, heart, mind, etc)

Images of Israel

Is Election Fair? (Justice and Salvation for Israel and Canaan)

Is Leadership Biblical?

Israel (dictionary article)

Israel’s Gospel: How God Has Begun to Reign

Man of God (dictionary article)

Memory and OT Theology

Monotheism (dictionary article)

On the OT Texts on War

On Writing an Old Testament Theology

OT Theology (dictionary article)

Old Testament Theology (commissioned for an online journal, then rejected)

OT and the Canon

The People of God in the OT (History, Culture, Mission and the People of God)

The Study of OT Theology


Sacrifice and its Meaning (1995)

Sacrifice and the Death of Christ (2012)

Sacrifice and the Death of Christ Übersetzung German Translation

Das Opfer im Alten Testament und der Tod von Jesus Christus

Salvation History and Wisdom

Salvation History (dictionary article)


Theology of the OT/Hebrew Bible in Current Study

Through the I-Window (A response to this book at SBL 2012)

Who is God?

Women and Men in the OT (The Bible and Sexuality)

OT805-569 Theology Syllabus 2006

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